To capture multiple photos on a timer with your Android phone, you'll need to install an app like Auto Clicker, which simulates clicks at specified intervals. This brief guide will show you how to easily set up the app to automate photo capturing, allowing you to enjoy hands-free photography.

  1. To start of go to Play store on your phone and download the app Auto Clicker.
download auto clicker from play store

2. Open the app and go to 'Settings' in the bottom-right corner. Here you'll be able to set interval between actions and set how long it should go on for.

auto clicker settings

3. Next go to 'Clicker' view in the bottom-left corner and click 'START'. You'll see a prompt asking you to choose a mode. Select '1-point mode'.

auto clicker point mode

4. Now if you've done everything right you should see a floating panel with controls. Open your camera app and move the green target to hover over your camera button. And when you're ready press play and it'll automatically take multiple photos 😀

auto clicker floating panel controls